The movie begins on a professional note as Ciel and Sebastian prepare to combat a rather eerie situation where doctors conjoined in efforts with beings called "Shinigami's" are planning to bring the dead to life- at the cost of infecting the world with soulless creatures or walking dead. I'm currently studying abroad in Japan, so I watched The Book of Atlantic at the cinema a couple of weeks ago^^ a couple of people have asked me where did I watch the film (because the film is so recently released and it is still not available online). Other than that, I think this is a gorgeous piece of art and it is a must watch for Kuroshitsuji fans everywhere. I think the scene should have been incorporated into the movie. I feel the scene was very touching and is quite important to the storyline later on, especially when Tanaka bowed in front of Sebastian asking him to take care of Ciel. The only thing I didn't like about this movie was the fact that they didn't show the scene where Ciel and the butler Tanaka met again at the hospital not long after Ciel and Sebastian made their contract (this scene is present in the manga).

This movie definitely contains a lot more action and fighting scenes than The Book of Circus. Also, there are lots of badassery shown by many characters in the movie. We could also see more of Elizabeth's backstory and we get to see another side of Elizabeth that was never revealed before (spoiler: she's a secet badass ^o^). In this movie you could see more of Ciel's back story through Sebastian's eyes. Definitely worth watching it at the theatre. As expected of Kuroshitsuji, this movie has an outstanding animation and story line.